if i were a boy

2008-12-12 @ 13:53:42 Veronica

If I were a boy, I think I could understand. How it feels to love a girl. I swear I'd be a better man. I'd listen to her. Cause I know how it hurts. When you lose the one you wanted. Cause he's taken you for granted.And everything you had got destroyed.It's a little too late for you to come back. Say it's just a mistake, think I'd forgive you like that. If you thought I would wait for you. You got it wrong. But you're just a boy. And you don't understand. How it feels to love a girl someday
You wish you were a better man. You don't listen to her. You don't care how it hurts. Until you lose the one you wanted. Because you've taken her for granted. And everything you had got destroyed. But you're just a boy.

//Veronica, so long fuckers! ♥

Postat av: philip lundell

okej? :S , vrf denna låt:P

2008-12-12 @ 16:37:42
Postat av: virre

för att den är så jävla bra! :P

2008-12-12 @ 18:17:16
URL: http://usyoume.blogg.se/
Postat av: carro

så jävla jävla klockren!

2008-12-12 @ 18:30:03
URL: http://usyoume.blogg.se/
Postat av: Josefine

sv: Tack , den kostade ca. 73 euro ( 730 kr)

2008-12-12 @ 18:52:14
URL: http://josefinenordlund.blogg.se/

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